Senin, 21 Agustus 2017

make a planing

a conversation between ilham and adli to make a plan after doing a evaluation at school 

Adli :" hello ilham , what will you do it after doing evaluation at school ?
Ilham:" i think , i will go to the beach with my family "
Adli :" what kind of the beach ?"
Ilham :"i think i will go to Ujung Genteng Beach "
Adli :" ohh so good plan . why do you want to go there ?"
Ilham :"i think Ujung Genteng it's nice beach in java because the beach in Ujung Genteng still clean                and there is no rubbish in there so it have a good place to refreshing my brain "\
Adli :" i think so , when will you go to Ujung Genteng ?
Ilham :" i think, i will go twou weeks after the evaluation finished "
Adli :" How long you will stay in there ?"
Ilham :" i think i will stay at there in five days "
Adli :" wow it has a long time in there , so what will you do in the beach  ?"
Ilham :" i will play sand with my brother and surfing with my dad "
Adli :" it's very interesting , so do you will buy sme souvenir in there ?
Ilham :" of course , i will buy some cloth of Ujung Genteng and many souvenir in there "
Adli :" ohh so you will give me the souvenir ?"
Ilham :" ye sof course No "
Adli :" what ?"
Ilham :" i'm just kidding bro , of course i will give you souvenir "
Adli :" thank you very much Ilham "
Ilham :" oh no problem "
Adli :" By the way , i'm must go home,  see you after holiday "
Ilham ::" see you adli , bye "
Adli :"bye"dd

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