Minggu, 21 April 2019


Cultural tour is one of the Bandung Faith 3 programs to teach and introduce 
 closer to Indonesian culture. on this occasion in 2019 attended a culture that 
took place on the island of Dewata Bali.
 we are in Bali for 4 days and travel home 1 day.
many visit destinations that we visit first because we are in kloter 2 so our first trip
 goes straight to the Krishna shopping center
after that we have dinner, and there is an exciting experience because 
we eat grilled fish with heavenly
 sauce because we eat outdoor and rain because the rain water was hit by rice fish and others, 
so it forced us to eat rain soup, but I was not disappointed because me and my friend had a qonaah
 attitude so we felt enough about what was given ouwwwwwww. 
after eating fish with heaven sauce we immediately check in to the hotel we are going to stay in
and the hotel that we are in is very horror because 
the bathroom has no key so the bathroom key is not just the usual key 
but the key to trust between people is wwwww.
 in one room there are 4 people so the hotel room may feel cramped but it's okay.
the next day we go to the sea sports area and lots of tourists come 
and me and my friends choose snorkeling because it's cheap.

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